Online Box Office
Open: September 22 at 10:00 am
Close: 6:00 pm day of show
ASYLUMforART Box Office
tickets available starting September 22
Esteban Herrera, Piano
Gisela Romero, Vocals
Luis Tovar, Percussion
Scott Carey, Percussion
Rob Hutchinson, Bass
Andre Wickenheiser, Trumpet
Stephen Edward Williams, Saxophone
This project expresses some of my deepest feelings and thoughts. This is an album conformed by 10 tracks. All original music and lyrics, composed and written by me. It’s a voyage through topics as the remembrance of departed loved ones, a mother saying “I love you” to her daughter, catastrophic existentialism, deep love and lust converging in a Latin music mist, etc. This album has a diverse and versatile fusion of many Hispanic American genres, such as Bossa-Nova, Salsa, Huapango, Flamenco, etc. From my heart to your refined ears. Thanks so much for listening!
Esteban Herrera