December 18, 2021



P Jacob Fossum
Finn McConnell
John Buck

The PJ Fossum Trio, consisting of pianist P Jacob Fossum (Calgary/Denmark), bassist Finn McConnell (Calgary/Montreal) and drummer John Buck (Calgary/Montreal) has been playing together for the past 7 years with Calgary as the hub for their collaboration. Combining P Jacob’s inventive compositions drawing from New York jazz sensibilities and European improvised music, Finn’s flowing and melodic bass playing, and John’s sensitive and exploratory drumming, the trio creates music that both pulls together the deep history of the jazz tradition into a wider world of contemporary possibilities. 

Between 2014-15, P Jacob moved to New York and later Denmark, and Finn & John moved to Montreal with the former returning to his native Calgary in 2020. Despite moving to different cities they’ve continued to play together, collaborating with new compositions, improvisational techniques and a shared love of music each influenced by their respective cities.